Here you'll find answers to the questions most frequently asked by those considering drilling a well:

Q. How much will my well cost?
A. Our Professional Site Evaluation of your property will allow us to provide a site-specific cost determination.

Q. Where is the best location for my well?
A. We will use the results of our Professional Site Evaluation as well as your intended site plan to make that recommendation.

Q. What is the average depth of a well?
A. Average well depths vary greatly depending on the conditions. We will be able to make a determination of average depth for your property based on our Professional Site Evaluation and our previous experience in your area.

Q. Does the depth of neighboring wells provide an accurate indicator for my property?
A. If the geologic conditions are similar, it can be a good indicator. Our Professional Site Evaluation will identify the geologic conditions of both properties and their relevance to one another.

Q. Do I have to be on site while the work is performed?
A. You are not required to be on site, but we encourage our clients to be present if possible. Well drilling is an interesting process and it can be very rewarding for you to see the construction of your well.

Q. What does a well and pump system look like?
A. Click Here

Q. Can you drill rock?
A. Yes - our air rotary drill rigs are equipped to drill all types of unconsolidated and consolidated rock.

Q. Do I need a permit to drill a well?
A. Yes - and permitting is a service we provide our clients.

Q. What are my payment options?
A. We accept cash, check, MasterCard and Visa. Terms are available on approved credit.
